In this Learn Lua course from Codecademy, we take a look at, Data Types and Operators in Lua Programming, Data Types and Operators Introduction, Learn Lua Coding. This is the first lesson in the Data Types and Operators section and gives us an introduction to data types and operators. In the next lessons, we will begin to dive into the different data types that are available to us in the Lua programming language. Learning how data types work in Lua and learning how operators work in Lua is the next step in learning how to develop Lua applications and learning how to program in Lua will necessitate learning data types and operators. Make sure to practice the next lessons repeatedly to make sure the concepts make sense and so that you understand how data types work in Lua. You also want to pay attention to how operators work in Lua, and how operators work with specific data types. Thanks for watching Data Types and Operators in Lua Programming, Data Types, and Operators Introduction, Learn Lua Coding.