How Class Inheritance Works in JavaScript, Class Inheritance in Programming, Codecademy's Learn JS

In this JavaScript walkthrough, we look at How Class Inheritance Works in JavaScript, Class Inheritance in Programming, Codecademy’s Learn JS. This is our first lesson going over JavaScript Class Inheritance. Learning about class inheritance can help any developer minimize their codebase. Learning how to best implement parent and child classes in your projects will help you become a superb JavaScript programmer. In this lesson, we learn that child classes inherit from parent classes. We are also told that a parent class can also be called a superclass while a child class can be called a subclass. The example we are given is a parent class or superclass of an animal, and the child classes to the animal class are dog and cat. Understanding that our child classes will inherit from our animal class means that when we create instances of our child classes, they will inherit the properties and methods of the parent superclass! Make sure to read over this lesson a few times before moving on to the next lessons. In the next lessons, we will learn more about class inheritance in JavaScript. Thanks for watching How Class Inheritance Works in JavaScript, Class Inheritance in Programming, Codecademy’s Learn JS.