JavaScript Class Methods, How Methods Work in Classes, Learn JavaScript, Codecademy Classes in JS

In this JavaScript video, we are looking at JavaScript Class Methods, How Methods Work in Classes, Learn JavaScript, Codecademy Classes in JS. We have been learning about JavaScript classes in the previous exercises. In this lesson, we take a look at adding methods to our classes. We learn that methods in classes look similar to getter syntax. The difference is that in a class method, we do not include commas between methods. We do use the constructor method in our class, and as we learned in previous lessons, the constructor method will run every time we create an instance of our class. If you are having trouble understanding this lesson, make sure to practice the classes section in Codecademy’s classes section. You can find the full course at or in our Youtube playlists! Make sure to practice writing methods in classes to fully understand how it works. Learning to write methods in classes with JavaScript is fundamental to any aspiring JavaScript developer!