Learn to Create Class Instances with JavaScript, Instantiate a Class in JavaScript Codecademy JS ES6

In this video, we Learn to Create Class Instances with JavaScript, Instantiate a Class in JavaScript Codecademy JS ES6. In previous lessons, we have been learning about classes in JavaScript. We learned that classes are templates for building objects quickly. We were also taught that classes are different than other objects because they use the constructor method each time we create a class. We learn in this lesson that an instance is just another object which contains the property names and methods of the class which instantiates it. We are able to create instances of classes we create using the new keyword, followed by the name of our class. We are able to save these instances into variables. The difference is that we are able to pass in values to our class properties that make our instances unique. In this lesson, we have a Surgeon class, and we are able to create instances of our Surgeon class and create multiple surgeon objects. Learning to use class instances is a huge leap in your JavaScript journey. Make sure to practice creating class instances and master JavaScript classes and instances to stay on top of your javascript development journey. Instances of classes will help you quickly create objects of similar objects. Practice making instances of classes you make and get familiar with JavaScript classes and JavaScript class differences.