Node setTimeout Function JavaScript Promises Explained, Promises in JavaScript Explained, Codecademy

In this JavaScript programming walkthrough, we take a look at The Node setTimeout Function, JavaScript Promises Explained, Promises in JavaScript Explained, on Codecademy. This lesson is the next in a series from Codecademy’s Learn Intermediate JavaScript course. The Section we are in is, “JavaScript Promises”. We have been learning about how JavaScript Promises work and explaining JavaScript promises is the key concept in this section of the course. In today’s lesson we are taught that, though knowing how to write promises is useful, we will usually be handling promise objects as a result of asynchronous operations! Learning how to handle a promise in JavaScript is a helpful tool that every JavaScript developer should understand. In this lesson, we are provided a function that returns a promise which settles after some time (setTimeout()). Understanding how promises work is key, and this lesson shows us how a resolved promise works. We are told that when code runs, any asynchronous code will run last after all the synchronous code runs. Make sure to practice JavaScript promises and try different JavaScript promise examples to truly understand what is happening underneath the hood. Thanks for watching Node setTimeout Function JavaScript Promises Explained, Promises in JavaScript Explained, Codecademy!