Else Statement Lua Programming, Learn Lua Else Statement, Codecademy Learn to Code 2023 from Scratch

In this Lua programming lesson, we take a look at, Else Statement Lua Programming, Learn Lua Else Statement, Codecademy Learn to Code 2023 from Scratch. With a Lua Else statement, we are able to add a block of code we want to run if our if condition does not pass. Our else statement will run if our if statement evaluates to false. Instead of having to write multiple if statements, an else statement saves us some time so that we are able to run a piece of code, if our conditions are not met. Learning how to use an else statement in Lua is a key concept in anyone’s programming journey. Make sure to practice using if and else statements to see how they work. Make sure to practice using else statements in your code to really see how it works. Learning if and else conditional logic will make you a more advanced programmer and will be a huge part of your programming journey. Learn as much as you can about conditional logic and master it to become the best Lua programmer and advance in your Lua programming career. Thanks for watching Else Statement Lua Programming, Learn Lua Else Statement, Codecademy Learn to Code 2023 from Scratch.