Find Variable Type using Lua type function, Learn Lua Codecademy, type and print functions in Lua

In this Lua programming lesson, we take a look at Find Variable Type using Lua type function, Learn Lua Codecademy, type and print functions in Lua. Sometimes in programming, you will encounter errors that make no sense. Some of those times, the error will be because of some type error. It becomes a handy tool to be able to debug your code and dissect your variables to make sure any operations you perform with your different data types make sense. Using the type() function in Lua will allow you to really test Lua code, and debug Lua code as well. Learning to program will have a lot of debugging which is a huge part of becoming a skilled programmer for any language. Problem-solving in programming will make you sharper and quicker in finding out what is wrong with some code. Make sure you practice using the type() function in Lua so that you are comfortable using it when you begin coding more complex programs in Lua. Thanks for watching Find Variable Type using Lua type function, Learn Lua Codecademy, type and print functions in Lua.