How to Create a Simple Hello World Program Using Lua Programming, Intro to Lua Programming

In today’s Learn Lua lesson we will be looking at “How to Create a Simple Hello World Program Using Lua Programming, Intro to Lua Programming”. This lesson is based on Codecademy’s free Learn Lua course. In this lesson we finally see our first example of Lua code in action. It is tradition that the first program programmers learn is a Hello World Program. This course is no different, so in this lesson we see an example of a Lua Hello World program. We are told that if any of it is not making sense, it’s okay, because we will be going over how it all works in the upcoming lessons. If you are new to the course or channel, make sure to subscribe to We Will Code to be notified whenever we release a new video. Make sure to checkout the playlists as well, since all our courses are organized into playlists! If you are a beginner programmer this course is the perfect course for beginners. We will go over the syntax that makes up the Lua language and break down how Lua programming works. Thanks for watching How to Create a Simple Hello World Program Using Lua Programming, Intro to Lua Programming.