Lua Comparison Operators, Codecademy’s Learn Lua Programming, Conditionals in Lua If Statements

In today’s Learn Lua lesson we are taking a look at Lua Comparison Operators, Codecademy’s Learn Lua Programming, Conditionals in Lua If Statements. If you are new to programming or the Lua language make sure to start this course from the beginning on Codecademy. This Lua course guide can be found in my We Will Code Youtube playlists. In this lesson, we go over Lua comparison operators. We learn that we are able to compare 2 values to make a decision in our if statements. If the statement evaluates to true, then the if statement will run. Learning how Lua handles comparison operators will help you become a more advanced programmer and will allow you to create the proper conditions for specific code to run, or not to run. The example they give in the lesson is if there is a greater amount of people than there are chairs, print out “we need more chairs”. Comparison Operators in Lua are beneficial when making a decision in your program, learn and master comparison operators in Lua so you know when to use which comparison. Thanks for watching Lua Comparison Operators, Codecademy’s Learn Lua Programming, Conditionals in Lua If Statements.