Lua Elseif Statement, Learn Lua, Conditionals and Logic on Codecademy, elseif Lua, Learn Coding 2023

In this new Lua programming lesson, we take a look at, Lua Elseif Statement, Learn Lua, Conditionals and Logic on Codecademy, elseif Lua, Learn Coding 2023. This video is based on the Codecademy Learn Lua course that is free to join!. This is a free programming course that teaches programming with the Lua programming language. If you are new to programming make sure to watch this course from the beginning. The free programming course is available through the We Will Code Youtube playlists. Elseif statements in Lua allow us to check multiple conditions in our if statements without having to create multiple if statements. We learned about the final else an if statement can run if all other conditions were false, and elseif statements go in between our if and else conditions and allow us to check multiple conditions all inside one if statement. Learning to use an if, elseif, else conditional statement in Lua and any other programming language will ensure you advance in your programming skills. Practice creating programs using conditionals and master how conditional statement work! Doing so is not only helpful in Lua, but in any programming career. Thanks for watching Lua Elseif Statement, Learn Lua, Conditionals and Logic on Codecademy, elseif Lua, Learn Coding 2023.