Variables in Lua Programming, Learn Lua on Codecademy, Introduction to Variables in Lua, Code Guide

In this Lua programming lesson, we take a look at, Variables in Lua Programming, Learn Lua on Codecademy, Introduction to Variables in Lua, Code Guide. This lesson is a key lesson in any programming course. Variables in Lua work just like in other programming languages. Variables allow us to store a value and give it a name so that we can access that value later on. Using a Lua variable will allow you to save a value such as your lucky number and give it a name, then you are able to call your lucky number later on in your code. If it still is not making sense, do not worry, for we will go over variables more in-depth as we continue through this section of our Learn Lua course on Codecademy. Make sure to understand what a variable is, as defined in this lesson. Once you feel comfortable with the material discussed, I’ll see you in the next lesson. Thanks for watching Variables in Lua Programming, Learn Lua on Codecademy, Introduction to Variables in Lua, Code Guide.