In this PHP coding lesson, we take a look at Accessing an Element in an Array with PHP, How to Access Value in an Array with PHP, Access Array. We learn that we are able to access specific values in our array by referencing the index of the value in square brackets. We first say our array, or array name, and then follow it immediately with its index in square brackets, for example, “echo $my_arr[0]” would grab the first elements value at index 0 of the $my_arr array variable. Learning how to access elements in arrays is a huge step in your developer journey! Learning how to manipulate arrays in PHP means you will know how to access values in an array. Learning how to scan huge data sets of arrays requires you to understand how to access values in arrays. Make sure to practice accessing elements in various arrays until you feel comfortable doing it. Create your own ordered array examples and practice accessing the elements in your array. Always remember that arrays are 0-indexed and you will have no problem accessing any value. Understand how to access array values before moving on to make sure the next lessons make sense. Understanding how arrays work in PHP and how to access array values in PHP is of huge importance in becoming a great PHP developer. Thanks for watching Accessing an Element in an Array with PHP, How to Access Value in an Array with PHP, Access Array.