In this PHP programming lesson, we take a look at Add and Change Array Elements, Add Elements to An Array in PHP, Changing Elements in An Array in PHP. This lesson teaches modifying arrays by adding values to your ordered array or changing specific values in your ordered array. We learn that we are able to change values in our array by targeting the index of the value we want to change in our array and simply re-assign it a new value using the assignment operator. We also learn that we are able to add elements to the end of our array by simply calling our array name followed by empty opening and closing square brackets. Learning how adding elements to an array works in PHP is vital to becoming a good PHP developer. Learning how to change elements in an array is also important. Practice adding elements to an array in PHP, and practice-changing elements in PHP arrays before moving on. Make sure you understand how adding and changing elements in an array works to truly begin to master PHP programming. A well-rounded PHP developer will know how to work with arrays, and how to add and change elements to arrays with ease. Use different examples of PHP arrays and work with different array variables to truly get a feel for arrays in PHP. Thanks for watching Add and Change Array Elements, Add Elements to An Array in PHP, Changing Elements in An Array in PHP