In this PHP coding lesson we take a look at Creating Arrays with array Keyword in PHP, Learn How To Create PHP Arrays, Ordered Arrays in PHP. This lesson is based on Codecademy’s Learn PHP course, section is “Ordered Arrays”, the lesson name is, “Creating Arrays with array()”. In this lesson, we learn how to create arrays in PHP. Creating arrays in PHP is helpful if you want to organize a list of data in a structured form. Ordered Arrays allow us to organize our data in what is called a data structure. Learning how creating arrays with array() works in PHP is vital to becoming a great PHP developer. Practice creating arrays in PHP especially practice creating ordered arrays to truly master this section in the Learn PHP course. The first step was learning how ordered arrays work, and now you must master creating an ordered array. Great PHP developers must master manipulating arrays and that will come in the following lessons, but as for now, you must understand how to create an array in PHP. Once you understand how creating arrays works, you will begin to master them. Creating Ordered arrays explained will help you start manipulating arrays. Remember that arrays are 0 indexed will aid you on your quest. Make sure to watch this section from the beginning to truly begin to understand how arrays work in PHP. Thanks for watching Creating Arrays with array Keyword in PHP, Learn How To Create PHP Arrays, Ordered Arrays in PHP.