In today’s PHP programming lesson, we take a look at How Elseif Statements Work in PHP, Elseif Statements Explained, How to use an Elseif Conditional. In previous lessons we took a look at the if-else statements in PHP. Programming is powerful because of conditionals. Conditionals in programming allow us to check conditions and see if the conditions are true or false. If a condition is true, then we can run the piece of code within that condition, and if the condition is false, we can check other “elseif” conditions until we run into a true statement. If we have no true if or elseif statements, we run the default else statement at the end. Learning to use conditionals in PHP is important for anyone learning to program in PHP or any other language. Make sure to practice creating conditionals and see when they run and when they do not. Make sure the order you place you conditonals makes sense. If you check the wrong condition first, it might not run the right condition, so place your conditions in their proper order or else you may run into bugs and unexpected errors in your PHP code (or any other programming language you use). Thanks for watching How Elseif Statements Work in PHP, Elseif Statements Explained, How to use an Elseif Conditional.