In this PHP coding tutorial we take a look at How Modulo Works in PHP, Understanding Modulo in Programming, What is Modulo in PHP, Codecademy Help. This is based on Codecademy’s Learn PHP. If you need help learning to program while you are taking the course, we have created these tutorial videos to help explain the whole course. We are currently in the PHP Numbers section of the course, the lesson is “Modulo”. In it, we learn a new operator that helps us return the remainder after our left operand is divided by our right operand, (modulo uses the % operator). For example, if we do 7 % 3, that would return 1. This is because 3 goes into 7 2 times, and then we would have one remainder. Practicing using Modulo in PHP will help you understand how modulo works. The more examples you see the more comfortable you will get whenever you see the modulo operator. Make sure to understand how modulo works before moving on to the next lesson. Understanding all the operators that are available to us when using numbers will give you the best results when learning to master PHP programming. Make sure to watch this video and previous videos to get help with PHP programming and truly master PHP! Thanks for watching How Modulo Works in PHP, Understanding Modulo in Programming, What is Modulo in PHP, Codecademy Help.