In this PHP programming walkthrough, we look at How Order of Operations Works in PHP, from Codecademy’s Learn PHP Operator Precedence, PHP Operator Order. This is based on the course, Learn PHP on Codecademy, section, “PHP Numbers”, lesson, “Order of Operation”. We learn something many of us have probably not heard much of since middle school/high-school times. In programming, anytime we do calculations with numbers and the different operators that we have at our disposal, those operations we want to perform all have an order that they are performed in. Learning how the order of operations works in PHP is essential when dealing with numbers. Make sure to practice the order of operations using multiple examples. Practicing Order of Operations in PHP will help you master PHP numbers. Try practicing PHP Numbers with Number Variables while using mathematical operators. Learning how to use number variables with PHP math operators is key to becoming a master programmer. Make sure to test your understanding concerning PHP numbers by practicing different examples using the order of operations. Make sure to practice using parentheses to override order precedence when needed. Thanks for watching How Order of Operations Works in PHP, Codecademy Learn PHP Operator Precedence, PHP Operator Order.