In this PHP programming video we are looking at Intro to Booleans and Comparison Operators iHP, Learn PHP Comparison Operators, and Booleans Free. This is based on Codecademy’s Learn PHP course which is free for anyone to learn PHP. We are in the “Booleans and Comparison Operators” section and will begin learning about conditional statements in PHP. Learning PHP conditional statement logic as well as any logic in PHP will help make you a better programmer. PHP, and mostly all programming languages rely heavily on conditional statements. Conditionals in PHP and basic conditionals in programming are used regularly, and being able to give users choices is all based on conditional statements. Make sure to learn and practice using conditional statements, and pay attention to how booleans operators work. Boolean operators will allow you to use True and False statements to decide what conditions should be used in your code. Using the boolean operators, true and false, you will be able to make your code take certain actions based on different conditions we specify in our code. Thanks for watching Intro to Booleans and Comparison Operators in PHP, Learn PHP Comparison Operators and Booleans Free.