In this PHP beginner guide, we take a look at, An Intro to Built-In PHP Functions, How to Use Built-In PHP Functions, Built-In Functions in PHP Guide. This is based on Codecademy’s Learn PHP course. The section is, “Intro to Built-In PHP Functions”. In this part of our course, we will be looking at the different functions that come built into PHP. Learning how to use PHP built-in functions is a fundamental step that will make programming with PHP easy. This PHP built-in function guide will help get you started programming with PHP and you will learn some more complexity to add to your developer toolkit. Make sure to practice implementing the concepts that you learn about, and create your own mini-projects to help drive home some of the functions that we mention. Make sure to practice using the different built-in PHP functions to truly start to understand the power that they provide developers. This intro to PHP functions is a deep dive into the built-in functions that PHP provides. If you are having trouble along the course, make sure to refer back to earlier lessons all provided free at for your viewing pleasure. Thanks for watching An Intro to Built-In PHP Functions, How to Use Built-In PHP Functions, Built-In Functions in PHP.