Intro to HTML Form Handling in PHP, Use HTML Forms with PHP, Handling HTML Form with PHP Shorthand

In this PHP programming lesson, we look at the Intro to HTML Form Handling in PHP, Use HTML Forms with PHP, and Handling HTML Form with PHP Shorthand. This lesson is based on Codecademy’s Learn PHP course, section, HTML Form Handling in PHP, the lesson is, Introduction. In this PHP lesson, we learn more about interacting with HTML using PHP. We are taught that our server takes our PHP file (index.php) and then translates them to HTML and presents them to the client ( web browser). Being able to do this allows us to create a customized experience for our site’s users. We also learn that PHP allows us the capabilities to handle the user’s input they provide through HTML forms in a straightforward manner. Before getting into that, we learn about a shorthand syntax to add text to our HTML file. Once you learn how to use the shorthand syntax for embedding text using PHP into your HTML, feel free to move on to the next lesson. Use the PHP opening and closing tag to embed PHP into your HTML. Understanding how to send customized HTML using PHP is key to becoming an excellent PHP developer. Make sure to practice adding customized HTML using PHP to truly begin to master PHP development. Thanks for watching Intro to HTML Form Handling in PHP, Use HTML Forms with PHP, Handling HTML Form with PHP Shorthand.