Learn about PHP Conditionals, What are If Statements in PHP, Intro to PHP Conditional Statements

In our free PHP programming lessons, we will be looking at Learn about PHP Conditionals, What are If Statements in PHP, Intro to PHP Conditional Statements. This lesson is based on Codecademy’s free PHP course, “Learn PHP”. We are in the section, “Booleans and Comparison Operators”, the lesson is, “If Statements”. In this lesson, we learn about “If Statements” in PHP. We learn that we are able to specify a condition, and if the condition evaluates to true, then the code block within the “if statement” conditional will run. If the statement evaluates to false then the code will not run. Learning to use PHP “if statements” will allow you to add complexity to your code. “If Statements” in PHP will allow you to do things like, show a webpage if a user is logged in, or else we redirect them to a signup/login page. This is one example of how we can use if statements in PHP to add layers of complexity to our code. Make sure to practice using PHP if statements to truly master PHP. Learning if statements in PHP will be difficult at first, but with practice, you will master his important PHP concept! Thanks for watching Learn about PHP Conditionals, What are If Statements in PHP, Intro to PHP Conditional Statements.