Learn About PHP Strings and Variables, Codecademy Learn PHP Review, Strings and Variables Explained

This PHP programming tutorial is a review concerning Learn About PHP Strings and Variables, Codecademy Learn PHP Review, Strings and Variables Explained. This review goes over some of the concepts we learned in the previous lessons. We have learned that strings are collections of text that a computer treats as a single piece of data. We were taught that strings can be any length and contain any letters. When we want to include special characters inside our strings, we sometimes need to use escape sequences. We learn that an operator is a type of character that performs a specific task in our code. Then there is the concatenation operator which helps us combine two strings into one. We also are taught that variables are fundamental programming concepts that allow us to reuse code easily. All variables are declared using the dollar sign followed by our variables name and then the assignment operator (=) is used to give our variable a value. PHP has access to variable parsing which allows one to include variables in our strings. Variables are reassignable. We are able to assign new values to our variables. We can create an alias for our variables as well. The concatenation assignment operator is a shorthand notation that allows us to reassign a string variable to its current value appended with some other string value. Thanks for watching Learn About PHP Strings and Variables, Codecademy Learn PHP Review, Strings, and Variables Explained.