Multiple Parameters in PHP, Using Multiple Function Parameters in PHP, Codecademy Learn PHP Coding

In this free PHP training course we take a look at, Multiple Parameters in PHP, Using Multiple Function Parameters in PHP, Codecademy Learn PHP Coding. This is a continuation of our Introduction to PHP Functions section on Codecademy’s Learn PHP course. If you are new to PHP programming make sure to watch this course from the beginning (available at ) Understanding how multiple parameters work in PHP functions is a key concept in your programming journey. Remember that the order that you pass in your function arguments matters. Make sure to pay attention to the order that you pass your multiple parameters. As long you know what order you need to pass in your parameters, you should be fine. The order that you pass in arguments will decide which parameter it corresponds to. If you invoke a function with fewer arguments than expected, this will cause an error in your code. Make sure to practice using multiple parameters in your functions to understand how multiple function parameters work. Once you feel comfortable using multiple function parameters, move on to the next section. Thanks for watching Multiple Parameters in PHP, Using Multiple Function Parameters in PHP, Codecademy Learn PHP Coding