Multiplication and Division in PHP Explained, PHP Numbers, Codecademy Learn PHP for Beginners Guide

In this PHP programming video, we take a look at Multiplication and Division in PHP Explained, PHP Numbers, Codecademy Learn PHP for Beginners Guide. This lesson is based on Codecademy’s Learn PHP course, section “PHP Numbers”, the lesson “Multiplication and Division”. In this lesson, we continue our PHP programming path in learning about PHP numbers. In this lesson, we learn how to Multiply in PHP, as well as Divide in PHP. Both work similarly as Addition and Subtraction in PHP. Similar to addition and subtraction, when we perform any type of multiplication or division, our computer will return an integer when our operation evaluates whole numbers. When our operations do not divide evenly, then our computer will return a floating point number. Understanding how Multiplication works in PHP is fundamental in your programming journey. Understanding how Division works in PHP is also fundamental. Along with all other operators, make sure to practice multiplication in PHP and practice division in PHP. Look at different PHP code examples to truly get some practice in using PHP numbers. We also learned that we are able to multiply and divide with PHP using number variables the same way that we learned in addition and subtraction, except we can use the multiplication and division operators. Make sure to practice, and when you are ready move on to the next lesson. Thanks for watching Multiplication and Division in PHP Explained, PHP Numbers, Codecademy Learn PHP for Beginners Guide.