In this PHP programming tutorial, we take a look at, PHP, Add Element to End of Array, array_push Method, Remove Element in Array with array_pop Method. This is based on Codecademy’s Learn PHP course. We are in the “Ordered Arrays” section, the lesson is “More Array Methods: Pushing and Popping”. This lesson teaches us how to remove the last element in an array using the array_pop() function. The array_pop() method will take an array as an argument. It will then remove the last element of the array and then returns the removed element. We also learn that it array_pop will not return NULL for the last element, but will actually remove the value from the array completely. We then learn how to add an element to the end of an array using the array_push() function. The array_push() method in PHP allows us to add a value to the end of an array. The array_push function will take an array as the first argument, the arguments after that are the elements we want to be added to the end of the array. Once we run array_push it will return the new number of elements in the array. Learning how to use PHP array methods is key to becoming a skilled PHP developer. Practice using PHP array methods and master them. Thanks for watching PHP, Add Element to End of Array, array_push Method, Remove Element in Array with array_pop Method.