PHP and HTML Introduction, Explain Front-End Back-End Differences, How PHP And HTML Work Together

In this PHP programming lesson, we look at PHP and HTML Introduction, Explain Front-End Back-End Differences, How PHP And HTML Work Together. This lesson is based on Codecademy’s Learn PHP programming course. We are in the section, PHP and HTML, and the lesson is, “What is the Front-End”. In it, we learn that HTML is a front-end language while PHP is made to work well with a site’s back-end! We learn that when we navigate to a site from our web browser, our browser will make a request for specific content we ask for. What we see on a site is actually only a number of files that are retrieved to form our visual experience. These files we receive are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files usually. Whenever we go to any website, these assets are sent to our browser. Front-end development is often referred to as client-side development. In programming and web development, we typically will refer to our browser as a client. The front-end of our website or application will consist of all the files sent to the client upon request. But what is listening to those requests? That is the back-end of our website. The back-end listens for requests from the browser and is able to do something with those requests. Make sure to practice front-end development. And practice back-end development. Thanks for watching the PHP and HTML Introduction, Explain Front-End Back-End Differences How PHP And HTML Work Together