PHP Associative Arrays Numerical Keys Explained, How Do Numerical Keys Work with Associative Arrays

In this PHP programming video, we look at PHP Associative Arrays Numerical Keys Explained, How Do Numerical Keys Work with Associative Arrays. This is based on Codecademy’s Learn PHP course. We are in the Associative Arrays section, this lesson is Numerical Keys. In this lesson, we learned that when we create ordered arrays in PHP, the numerical key association is done for us. Our first element is associated with key 0, the second element with key 1, and so on! The thing is, ordered arrays are the same structure as associative arrays, we are able to mix and match, though it is recommended that we treat them as separate data types. We are told to only use empty square bracket syntax (and/or functions like array_push() ) when we use ordered arrays. Learning to use numerical keys in associative arrays is key to becoming a good PHP developer. Practice using numerical keys with your associative arrays to make sure you understand how numerical keys work in associative arrays. Practicing accessing elements with numerical keys to becoming a great developer of PHP. Thanks for watching PHP Associative Arrays Numerical Keys Explained, How Do Numerical Keys Work with Associative Arrays.