In this PHP programming lesson, we take a look at PHP in HTML, How to embed PHP scripts within HTML documents, and how we can use PHP within HTML Page. This lesson is based on Codecademy’s Learn PHP course, we are in the PHP and HTML section, and this lesson is PHP in HTML. In it, we learn that we are able to embed PHP scripts within our HTML documents. We are able to do this using the opening and closing PHP tag. The PHP processor reads the entire file, then evaluates any PHP and translates it into HTML. It passes it off to the webserver to it can then be sent to the client. We are taught that when we use the echo keyword within HTML, we are no longer printing to the terminal, but rather we are outputting to our HTML document. Learning how PHP works in HTML will help you better understand how the back-end works together with the front-end in our PHP applications. Make sure to practice embedding PHP in HTML to begin to see how PHP works with HTML. Understanding how PHP works with HTML will truly help you master the PHP programming language. Thanks for watching PHP in HTML, How to embed PHP scripts within HTML documents, and how we can use PHP within HTML Page.