PHP, Remove First Element of Array with array_shift, Add Element to Beginning of Array in PHP, Guide

In this intro to PHP Ordered arrays lesson, we take a look at PHP, Remove First Element of Array with array_shift, Add Element to Beginning of Array in PHP, Guide. This lesson is following up on previous lessons that have been teaching us about PHP ordered Arrays. We have been learning different PHP methods that are available to us for manipulating arrays in PHP. In the last lessons, we went over the array_pop and array_push methods which deal with adding and removing from the end of an array. This lesson teaches us how to add and remove elements from the beginning of our array using array_unshift and array_shift respectively. Learning how to remove and add elements to the beginning of our array is just as important as what we learned in previous lessons. Make sure to practice removing elements from the beginning of arrays using the array_shift() function. Also, make sure to practice adding elements to the beginning of arrays using the array_unshift() function. Understanding how to add and remove elements from the beginning of PHP arrays is key to becoming a great PHP developer. Make sure to practice working with PHP arrays. Thanks for watching PHP, Remove First Element of Array with array_shift, Add Element to Beginning of Array in PHP, Guide.