In this PHP programming lesson we take a look at, PHP Review, How to Use PHP to Generate HTML, What is Front-End, Back-End Client-Server Relationship. This is the last lesson in the PHP and HTML section of Codecademy’s Learn PHP course. In it, we go over the main concepts we learned about in this section of our PHP course. Being able to explain what the front-end of a website consists of is vital. Understanding what happens when you navigate to a website, and how our browser is a client, and the server serves the client data that is requested (or may data that we want to add or update in the back-end). We go over how the back-end consists of the web server, as well as the logic that creates and maintains our web application. We go over how PHP is a back-end language and PHP can be used to generate an HTML file. Make sure to understand how PHP may be embedded in HTML using opening and closing PHP tags. Understanding how to use PHP to generate HTML is an important step in anyone’s PHP journey. Make sure to practice generating PHP using HTML to really understand how PHP works with HTML. Thanks for watching PHP Review, How to Use PHP to Generate HTML, What is Front-End, Back-End Client-Server Relationship.