PHP Switch Statements Explained, Understanding Switch Statement Conditional Logic in PHP Programming

If you are wondering if there is any other way to create if-elseif statements in PHP, let me introduce PHP Switch Statements in this video, PHP Switch Statements Explained, Understanding Switch Statement Conditional Logic in PHP Programming. If you are just tuning in to my videos, make sure to check out this whole playlist to learn as much about PHP as possible! In the previous lessons, we learned about if statements and about elseif statements in PHP. Switch statements allow us to give a condition, and provide different cases as values to check the condition against. If the condition is true, it runs the code and we add a break to break out of the conditional. If we want to check for multiple cases, we emit the break until we want to break out of the conditional. It is like an if, elseif, else conditional but can seem clearer to read and has the added effect of the “break” statement. Make sure to understand that a switch statement exists and in your future projects, consider your options! Learning how to program focuses on the ability to use conditionals to choose what code to run. Conditionals in programming is a fundamental concept that gives programming a lot of its powers! Learning to use conditionals in your programming journey will make all the difference in how much you grow as a PHP developer in 2023 and beyond! If you are learning to program in 2022 or any other year, make sure to pick up PHP, as it runs WordPress websites worldwide and is a sought-after skill!