Truthy and Falsy in PHP Programming 2023, Truth and False Conditions in Programming with PHP Code

In this PHP programming lesson, we take a look at Truth and False statements in PHP in the video Truthy and Falsy in PHP Programming 2023, Truth and False Conditions in Programming with PHP Code. In this lesson, we take a look at how the PHP programming language deals with truth and false conditions within if statements. An “if” conditional statement will take a look at a condition within parentheses and will, depending on the condition’s truthy or falsy values, do something. If you are new to programming this may seem strange, but just know that we are able to create flows in our programming depending on whether or not a condition evaluates to true or false. If a condition evaluates to false in PHP, then we are able to have another condition to check. If all conditions are false, then our else statement is able to run. There are certain values in PHP that will return a false and its important to know which values return falsy in conditions so we are prepared to handle those conditions. If you are unable to handle the conditions correctly then you might get some errors in your code. Learning which values return true, and which values return false is important in determining how you should code your PHP app. Thanks for watching Truthy and Falsy in PHP Programming 2023, Truth and False Conditions in Programming with PHP Code.