In this PHP programming lesson, we take a look at Using Number Variables Explained in PHP, based on Codecademy’s Learn PHP, section PHP numbers, where we deal with Creating Number Variables using PHP. In this lesson we look at how we can use number operators on variables that hold number values. We are able to hold number values in a PHP variable the same way we are able to hold string values. We are able to assign a variable we create a number, either integer or floating point number, using the assignment operator. We are able to perform mathematical operations on variables, as long as the values are numbers. Learning to use PHP variables with numbers is fundamental on your journey to becoming a master PHP programmer! Make sure to practice PHP number variables by creating plenty of your own. Try making multiple number variables and call them in your code using echo. Learning how PHP number variables work is the key concept of this lesson. Practice creating your own PHP variables and assigning number values to them. Make sure you understand how using number variables work with PHP before moving on. Thanks for watching Using Number Variables Explained in PHP, Codecademy’s Learn PHP, Creating Number Variables using PHP.