In this PHP programming tutorial we are taking a look at What are Comparison Operators in PHP Programming, How do Comparison Operators Work, PHP Programming. This is based on Codecademy’s Learn PHP course, the section is, “Booleans and Comparison Operators”. In this lesson, we learn that a condition, or expression, in if statements can hold boolean values such as True and False, also a variable that is assigned to one of those values, or an expression that will evaluate to True or False. We learn that we are able to use the less than or equal operator to see if a condition evaluates to True or False. Learning how to use comparison operators in PHP is vital to mastering the PHP programming language. Using the greater than or less than operators as well as the not equal operators is essential for you to master while learning PHP programming. Make sure to practice different examples using comparison operators in PHP to truly learn the material. Try different if statements and mix them with different PHP comparison operators to ensure you understandand PHP conditionals. Thanks for watching What are Comparison Operators in PHP Programming, How do Comparison Operators Work, PHP Programming.