In this PHP programming tutorial, we take a look at, What are Ordered Arrays in PHP, How Ordered Arrays Work, Ordered Arrays Explained, and how to Understand Arrays in PHP. This is the beginning of a new section in the Learn PHP Codecademy course. The section is, “Ordered Arrays”. In this lesson, we take a look at a new PHP data structure we have not seen before, the ordered array. We learn that it is sometimes useful to organize our data into collections, or lists, this is what we use ordered arrays for. An example of an ordered array is a to-do list. We use ordered arrays to help store and also to manipulate any related elements of data. An array is a list of items. The specific location of an element in our array has a specific index. Arrays are zero-indexed, which means that arrays are arranged in a specific order, starting with the zero index, then one, two, and so on. To access the first element in an array, we target the 0th index, or index 0. We will learn more about how arrays work in PHP in the following lessons, but for now, understand that ordered arrays are list data structures we use to organize our data in a more meaningful way. Practice using ordered arrays in PHP to get more comfortable with this new data structure. Thanks for watching What are Ordered Arrays in PHP, How Ordered Arrays Work, Ordered Arrays Explained, Understand Arrays.