In this PHP programming exercise we take a look at What is Null in PHP, Returning Null Explained in PHP, Null Values in Programming, Codecademy PHP. Understanding null values in programming is an important milestone for you to cross. When it occurs in the wild it is important to be able to troubleshoot null values. Especially when you experience them unexpectedly. Learning how null values work in programming will help you figure out bugs whenever they arise. A function without a return statement returns null as its return value. If a function doesn’t have a return statement it returns null. Null is a special data type that stands for an absence of a value. Sometimes other data types might interact in unexpected ways if you attempt to perform operations on null values. Make sure to set up testing so that you check for null to make sure your code is bug-free. What about null value PHP variables? A null value PHP variable is possible but it will react differently and in an unreliable way. NULL usually is supposed to signify the absence of a value, instead of being thought of as a value. It is an empty slot or the missing information, it’s the question that has not been answered. Thanks for watching What is Null in PHP, Returning Null Explained in PHP, Null Values in Programming, Codecademy PHP.