In this PHP programming lesson we take a look at Working With Number Functions in PHP, abs PHP Function for Calculate Absolute Value, Round Function. In it, we go over new PHP Number functions. When programming with PHP we will encounter plenty of times when we will need to use a PHP Number Function. Understanding how to use Number Functions in PHP is an important journey for you to accomplish. Make sure to practice using PHP number functions to truly get how they work. In this Codecademy lesson we take a look at Number Functions in PHP and practice using number functions with the abs() function, which will return the absolute value of a number value we provide. We also learn about the round() function in PHP which will round a number to its nearest integer. Learning how to use the abs() function and the round() function can be helpful when dealing with returning money values! Make sure to practice using PHP number functions, and understanding PHP number functions will become much easier. Practice reading about different PHP number functions and implement them in your own practice examples to truly master PHP programming. Thanks for watching Working With Number Functions in PHP, abs PHP Function for Calculate Absolute Value, Round Function.