Single Line Comments in Lua Programming, How to Comment in Lua, Intro to Lua Comments, Codecademy

In this Learn Lua programming video we will take a look at, Single Line Comments in Lua Programming, How to Comment in Lua, Intro to Lua Comments, Codecademy. Learning how to comment your code in the Lua Programming language can be helpful when trying to explain what a piece of your code does. Learning how to utilize comments in programming is a part of becoming a well versed programmer. As your code base gets larger it will become more complex in determining what every part of the code does. Learning to use comments in your code will help you keep track of what different parts of the code does and how it works. Learning to properly use comments in your code will help you be clear with what different pieces of you code does and will help you remember what parts of your code does that may seem at first cryptic, and may also help new people read your code that would otherwise spend more time trying to figure out what your code does as opposed to reading a well written comment. Thanks for watching, Single Line Comments in Lua Programming, How to Comment in Lua, Intro to Lua Comments, Codecademy.