In this WordPress Developer course lesson, we take a look at Add Global Header and Footer, CSS and Admin Bar to Custom WordPress Theme, Explain Custom WP Theme. This lesson is based on the “Become a WordPress Developer Course” that aims to teach you to become a WordPress Developer quick. If you want to become a WordPress Developer fast then you have come to the right place. Make sure to watch this course from the beginning to begin learning fundamental WordPress and PHP programming lessons that will help you build apps and websites quickly and efficiently. In this lesson, we take a look at creating a custom WordPress header and footer. We learn about some new templates that we have access to in WordPress such as header.php and footer.php and we learn where we can call these within our code to access them. We learn that it is important to separate our header and footer into their own files so that we can call them in our posts and pages and if there are any updates to them, we only change the code in their individual file, and it will update in any other file we call them in. We then learn how to add CSS in our functions.php file which will allow us to also load Javascript files. Last we learn how to add our admin bar to our front end so it shows as long as we are logged in. Learning how to work WordPress is vital for any developer. Make sure to follow and subscribe to this course to be updated with any new content. Thanks for watching Add Global Header and Footer, CSS and Admin Bar to Custom WordPress Theme, Explain Custom WP Theme.