Data Types in Lua, Operators in Lua, String and Number Syntax, Lua Programming on Codecademy Coding

In this programming with Lua lesson we take a look at, Data Types in Lua, Operators in Lua, String and Number Syntax, Lua Programming on Codecademy Coding. This lesson is based on Codecademy’s learn Lua course lesson, “String and Number Syntax”. In it we take a closer look at the difference in the basic data types we learned about in previous lessons. We learn that there is a difference between the number 100 and the string “100”. The string would be defined as 3 characters in a sequence, “1” + “0” + “0” and is not the same as the number 100. We also learn that the boolean (true false) values are different thant their string version of “true” and “false”. Using proper data values will make sure your program runs as intended. If there is ever any errors in your code, make sure that all your data types make sense, because many types bugs and errors are because of some type of data type error. Understanding data types in lua is key in become a great programmer. Thanks for watching Data Types in Lua, Operators in Lua, String and Number Syntax, Lua Programming on Codecademy Coding. Int his lesson we learned about using the “\” in a string when we want to use additional quotation marks. We also learned about they type() function which allows us to check a data values type in Lua. Make sure to practice and thanks for watching Learn Lua!