This JavaScript lesson is, Why Use Static Methods, Static VS Instance Methods JavaScript Walkthrough, JavaScript Static Methods, and it is based on Codecademy’s Learn Intermediate JavaScript course. It is from the Classes section, lesson, “Static Methods”. In it, we learn why to use static methods. We learn about the difference between static vs instance methods. We learn that JavaScript static methods can only be called from the class directly. Static methods cannot be called from any instances of the class. We learn from an example using the Date class. We learn that we are able to both create Date instances to represent dates we want, but if we want to call the .now() instance from our date class, we can only do it using because if we try to do it from an instance of Date, we learn that we will get a type error. Learning how to create static methods is a key concept for any Junior or Senior JavaScript developer. Make sure to practice creating static methods in your Classes and practice calling static methods from your created class as well as from an instance, to see the errors that arise. Practicing with JavaScript Static Methods will help you in understanding how static methods work in JavaScript. Make sure to practice them before moving on and thanks for watching Why Use Static Methods, Static VS Instance Methods JavaScript Walkthrough, JavaScript Static Methods.