Concatenation in Lua, Learn Lua Concatenation Operator, Combine Strings in Lua Codecademy Free Guide

Welcome to another Learn Lua lessons, Concatenation in Lua, Learn Lua Concatenation Operator, Combine Strings in Lua Codecademy Free Guide, based on Codecademy’s Learn Lua course. We are learning about string concatenation in this free 2023 programming course (2023 and beyond!). If you are new to programming make sure to watch our courses from the beginning to fully experience the course from start to finish. Learn to code from start to finish with We Will Code as we cover all the basic syntax of different programming languages and cover advanced programming concepts after we tackle the basics. In this lesson we learn that we are able to combine strings in Lua by using the concatenation operator. In Lua programming, we are able to combine strings with the concatenation operator which is “..” two dots. Two periods will allow you to combine strings together in Lua and learning about string concatenation is a huge step forward in your programming journey. Make sure to practice concatenating strings in Lua so you may add it under your tool belt of Lua syntax and understanding. Thanks for watching Concatenation in Lua, Learn Lua Concatenation Operator, Combine Strings in Lua Codecademy Free Guide.