In this Learn Lua programming course we take a look at Lua Arithmetic Operators, Calculating With Arithmetic Operators, Lua, Codecademy Learn Lua Coding. This lesson continues our journey into the Lua programming language. In this lesson, we go into the different arithmetic operators in Lua and learn how to use them. We go over addition in Lua, subtraction in Lua, multiplication in Lua, division in Lua, Exponents in Lua, Modulo in Lua, also referred to as modulus in Lua, and finally, we also learn that we can work with negative numbers in Lua. Make sure to practice using the different arithmetic operators in Lua before continuing on the Learn Lua course. If you are new to the course make sure to start this course from the beginning which you can do by going to our Playlists on the We Will Code youtube page. If you want to learn programming in 2023 and don’t know where to start, check out the free courses We Will Code produces based on free online courses you can code along with. As the years progress, learning to code is becoming more important for anyone looking to get a job in computers or coding. There is a ton of free material out there and we help make sense of some of those courses for you. Thanks for watching Lua Arithmetic Operators, Calculating With Arithmetic Operators, Lua, Codecademy Learn Lua Coding.