In this PHP programming lesson, we take a look at Accessing Elements in an Associative Array, Adding Elements in an Associative Array, Codecademy PHP. In the previous lesson, we learned 2 different ways that we can print an associative array. In this lesson from Codecademy’s Learn PHP course, we take a look at accessing values by referencing keys in an associative array, and we also learn how to add elements to our associative array. Learning how to add additional keys and values to an associative array is perfectly doable as long as you know the syntax. The syntax for adding elements to an associative array in PHP is easy when you know the syntax. Make sure to practice adding elements to associative arrays to see how they work. Understanding adding elements in PHP Associative arrays will help you become a better programmer as it adds to your available toolkit. Practice using the syntax for adding elements to associative arrays and practice accessing the values of associative arrays as well! This will help you learn how accessing and adding elements works in PHP programming. Make sure to learn this before moving on to the next lessons, as this concept will continue to show up in your PHP programming journey. Thanks for watching Accessing Elements in an Associative Array, Adding Elements in an Associative Array, Codecademy PHP.