Learn PHP Associative Arrays Syntax, Understanding PHP Associative Arrays, Key Value Pairs, PHP Maps

In this programming, with PHP walkthrough we Learn about PHP Associative Arrays Syntax, Understanding PHP Associative Arrays, Key-Value Pairs, and PHP Maps. This lesson is based on Codecademy’s Learn PHP course. We are in the Associative Arrays section, this lesson is, “Associative Arrays”. In this lesson, we learn that associative arrays are collections of key-value pairs. We learn that we are able to use associative arrays when we want to associate some value to a key that is a string and not an integer ( though we also learned that ordered arrays are also associative arrays but which utilize integers as keys (remember indexing starting at 0, well an index number is a key) The values that are held can be of any type. We learn that we use the equal sign and greater than symbols to associate a key with a value. learning to use associative arrays in PHP will help you become a more serious developer. Practice using associative arrays to truly master them. Learning how to use associative arrays might be confusing at first, but it is key fundamental in PHP (pun not intended). See examples of associative arrays in PHP to truly understand how they work. Make sure to practice writing key-value pairs and thanks for watching Learn PHP Associative Arrays Syntax, Understanding PHP Associative Arrays, Key-Value Pairs, and PHP Maps.