How Printing Arrays Works in PHP, implode function, print_r function in PHP, View Array Values, PHP

In this PHP coding lesson, we take a look at How Printing Arrays Works in PHP, implode function, print_r function in PHP, View Array Values, PHP. This lesson is based on Codecademy’s Learn PHP exercises. The section we are in is “Ordered Arrays”. The lesson’s name is “Printing Arrays”. In this walkthrough of PHP-ordered arrays, we learn that when we try and echo an array in PHP, this will only have the data type name print to the console. If we want to print the array values, we are able to use the print_r() function, which will output the array in a human-readable format. Another way we can print the values in our arrays is using the implode() function. The implode function takes two arguments, one is a string to use between each of our elements (also referred to as the $glue) and the array we will be joining together (or the $pieces). Learning to program using PHP will require you to understand the different tools you have available for reading arrays and printing arrays. Learn to print out the values in arrays using these 2 functions and you will be forever grateful. Practice printing arrays and accessing array values. Learn to use PHP array printing functions to add to your PHP arsenal! Thanks for watching How Printing Arrays Works in PHP, implode function, print_r function in PHP, View Array Values, PHP.