Exponentiation Explained in PHP, How Exponents Work in PHP, Learn about PHP Exponents, Codecademy

In this PHP programming lesson, we take a look at Exponentiation Explained in PHP, How Exponents Work in PHP, Learn about PHP Exponents, on Codecademy. This is based on Codecademy’s Learn PHP course, section “PHP Numbers”, lesson “Exponentiation”. We learn that PHP allows us an operator that raises numbers to the power of another number we specify. We are able to utilize exponents in PHP using the exponentiation operator (which is double asterisks). Learning how to raise numbers to a power we specify is the purpose of this lesson. Learning how exponentiation works in PHP is an important concept to understand. Practice using exponents in your PHP code to truly understand how exponentiation works in PHP. Practice exponentiation in PHP until it makes sense, and do not move on until then. We are able to use the exponentiation operator on integers and on floating point numbers as well as negative numbers. Make sure to learn how exponents work in PHP by practicing using them in different PHP code examples. Learning to program with PHP necessitates understanding numbers and different number operators. Make sure to practice and understand how exponents work before moving on. Thanks for watching Exponentiation Explained in PHP, How Exponents Work in PHP, Learn about PHP Exponents, Codecademy.