PHP Identical and Not Identical Operators, True, False, Not True Operators in PHP Programming Lesson

Welcome to this week’s PHP programming lesson where we will look at PHP Identical and Not Identical Operators, True, False, Not True Operators in PHP Programming Lesson, based on Codecademy’s Learn PHP course, the section is “Booleans and Comparison Operators”, the lesson is, “Identical and Not Identical Operators”. In it, we continue learning about different PHP comparison operators. The identical operator will return TRUE if our left operand is the same as the right operand and False if it is not. Then the not identical operator in PHP will return TRUE if two operators are different and False if they are the same. We also learn about the equal operator which is similar to the identical operator but not as strict. The equal operator in PHP is not recommended and may act strangely at times. Practice using these different PHP operators to begin to master the PHP programming language. Try different examples using identical, not identical, and equal operators in PHP. Thanks for watching PHP Identical and Not Identical Operators, True, False, Not True Operators in PHP Programming Lesson.