Working with Variables in PHP, gettype function, PHP var_dump function, Learn PHP Built-In Functions

In this PHP programming video we learn about some helpful built-in PHP functions and about Working with Variables in PHP, gettype function, PHP var_dump function, Learn PHP Built-In Function. Learning how variables work with PHP built-in functions will help you use PHP built-in functions and understand PHP built-in functions as well. The first PHP built in function that we learn about is the gettype() function. When we use PHP’s gettype() function, it will take a variable as its argument and it will return a string value that represents the type of data of the argument. We then hear about the PHP var_dump() function. The var_dump() function in PHP will print the info of a variable. When we use var_dump() it gives us information such as the type and length of the variable. This is printed on the console for us. Understanding how variables with PHP built-in functions can help you become a better PHP programmer. Make sure you understand working with variables and PHP built-in functions by the end of this section of the course. Learning to program in PHP will become easier if you understand PHP built-in functions, and also if you learn how to read PHP documentation!